Community Development: Housing Planning

Housing services for the District include the following: 

  • Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA)
    As the State’s housing finance agency, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is a self-sufficient, independently funded, publicly accountable entity of the State of Tennessee.  THDA’s mission is to meaningfully expand safe, sound, affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income Tennesseans as the state’s leading resource.  For more information on THDA, visit its website at


    • Funding for:
      • Repairing or replacing an essential system and/or a critical structure problem in a home
    • Eligibility:
      • Homeowner must be over 60 years old or disabled
      • Low-income household



Shane Carney at

White Pine ERP

Roof & Exterior Wall Repair, Vegetation Removal, and Deck Installation