Purpose of Funding
Facilitate redevelopment for troubled Brownfield properties in communities that cannot afford to perform the environmental assessments or cleanup required for redevelopment.
Communities can use funding for
- Inventory and prioritizing Brownfield properties
- Assessments (Phase I and Phase II ESAs)
- Community planning and engagement
- Redevelopment planning & cleanup plans
- Execution of cleanup
Types of Contaminants Brownfields Funding Can Address
- Petroleum products
- Heavy metals
- Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Brine
- Asbestos
- A site contaminated with controlled substances (e.g., a methamphetamine laboratory)
- PCBs (except where EPA has initiated an action under TSCA)
Coalition Members & Target Areas/Sites
- Scott County / Armstrong Property
- Roane County/Roane State Highway
- Morristown / Former Roy Widener Site
- Rocky Top / Norris Freeway sites
Assessment Grant – Eligible Planning Activities
Planning activities to initiate brownfields revitalization:
- Site Reuse Assessment
- Land Use Assessment
- Market Study
- Infrastructure Evaluation
- Community Health Assessment
- Site Disposition Strategy
Uses for Assessment Grant Funding
- Develop Brownfield Inventory, databases of brownfield properties, and site prioritization
- Phase I / Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Community Outreach, including social media and public meetings
- Redevelopment and Revitalization Planning and Cleanup Planning
- Can be used on privately owned sites

Scott County – Armstrong Property
Previous parquet flooring manufacturing complex. Collaboration to redevelop the 100-acre site
- Scott County Industrial Development Board (IDB)
- Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) Site Development Grant Program
- Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Brownfields and Remediation Divisions
Morristown – Roy Widener Property
City of Morristown wishes to redevelop long abandoned former trucking terminal
- Multi-level 31-acre site
- Located adjacent to Plumley property – also long dormant
- Large portion located in flood plain
For more information, please contact Tim Hendrick at thendrick@etdd.org.